The state of my daily arm party for the past couple months is what you see above. With that top bracelet (correction: Lacelet) being my fav. I clicked on the Twentythreetenshop Instagram account (a few months back) after seeing them tagged in another image, and instantly knew I needed a Lacelet…
Time Lapse #fashionbymayhem
For those who’ve requested more video of Mayhem doing her thing 🙂 Happy weekend friends!
Ice Bucket Challenge Turns Mayhem Blue
Our friend Lauren nominated us for the #ALSIceBucketChallenge last week and Mayhem was more than excited to participate. (while I was happy to make a donation 😉 ) I thought it was really important for Mayhem to understand WHY people were dumping the ice buckets on their heads, so we sat…
#GoBucks! – The Outtakes
This morning I posted this image to our Instagram account: Because one of Mayhem’s BFFs is headed to Ohio State this weekend to start her college adventure. (Good luck Elizabeth!!!) But the “outtakes” from this little session were just too good not to share. Some of my favorites ever, actually. So…
Back To School Paperwork Hack
Back to school paperwork got you feeling a little crazy? Here’s a quick hack that may work to alleviate at least a little bit of the trauma (especially if you have more than one child). Use address labels on forms instead of painstakingly filling out the forms by hand. Or…
Weekly Wrap Up
Here’s what we’ve been up to this week: We started our week dancing in a fountain. Which is awesome. Especially when it’s not planned. We attended the local National Night Out and Mayhem got to check out the inside of an ambulance. I keep warning her to stop jumping off the…