The scrubbing of the skin after the removing the tights, that is 😉
Category: Everyday Mayhem
Expanding the Line…
Shoes. She’s all about having matching shoes these days. And she figured out how to make them entirely on her own. Which is saving us a fortune 😉
Everyday Mayhem
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Stuff We Love {Sundays}
I’ve received countless comments and emails asking “So who is the bunny in the photographs? And where can I find one?” …. Snuggle Bunny. That’s who frequently makes an appearance in photographs with Mayhem. Snuggle Bunny arrived the same day Mayhem did. My aunt brought it to the hospital and…
Everyday Mayhem
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Stuff We Love {Sundays}
Please note: Due to overwhelming response, Holly has had to put her Etsy shop on vacation to work on the orders that flooded in. Hang in there though, she does great work that’s most definitely worth the wait 😉 When I posted this photograph on my Instagram account a few…