The first Fashion By Mayhem email I ever marked as important started off simply “Hi – This is Jenna Lyons. From J.Crew.” Wait. What? (Lemme read that again…) It went on that she had read our story and was excited by what we were doing. Huh? *looks around for hidden camera*…
Category: Everyday Mayhem

Ice Bucket Challenge Turns Mayhem Blue
Our friend Lauren nominated us for the #ALSIceBucketChallenge last week and Mayhem was more than excited to participate. (while I was happy to make a donation 😉 ) I thought it was really important for Mayhem to understand WHY people were dumping the ice buckets on their heads, so we sat…

Back To School Paperwork Hack
Back to school paperwork got you feeling a little crazy? Here’s a quick hack that may work to alleviate at least a little bit of the trauma (especially if you have more than one child). Use address labels on forms instead of painstakingly filling out the forms by hand. Or…

Weekly Wrap Up
Here’s what we’ve been up to this week: We started our week dancing in a fountain. Which is awesome. Especially when it’s not planned. We attended the local National Night Out and Mayhem got to check out the inside of an ambulance. I keep warning her to stop jumping off the…
About Yesterday’s Instagram Post…
When I posted this: With the caption: This morning she made ME a dress. And insisted that I post it. I negotiated the right to not post my dirty hair and make-up-less face. Because I’m teaching her that business decisions should always be win-win or no deal 😉 #fashionbymayhem …. I was…

The Thing About This Week’s Dresses…
Is that they’re 100% Mayhem. Meaning she constructed them entirely on her own. All of them. Sure, she asked me to help her put them on. And tie that bow. But I was no part of the design or construction this week. It’s been a pretty emotional week for me as…