what’s that on my face?
It took me a while to find a skin care routine that works, year round, but I’ve finally got a system in place. One I’ve been using for nearly two years. And my skin has never felt better.
I wash my face (almost) religiously, every morning and every night. Same cleanser used with the magic wash cloth for both AM and PM
(In the evenings, I use my magic wash cloth with just warm water to take off my makeup, before cleansing.)
After washing, I pat my face dry and apply one pump of Good Genes, followed by a a few drops of serum – CEO Glow in the mornings, and Luna Night Oil in the evenings.
At night, this step is followed by my slathering a bit of Vaseline around my eyes and calling it an evening.
During the day, I may add another moisturizer, but usually just during the cold, dry months. (Side note: I’ve been using this moisturizer for probably 20+ years. And no matter what else I’ve tried, I keep coming back to this one because it just works on my skin.)
And once a week, I use these amazing exfoliating/bio-peel pads.
That’s it.
Forty-five years into this gig, and I finally feel like I know(ish) how to take care of my face.