Sometimes I open my photos app and search a random word, which leads down a rabbit hole. The word spring, somehow someway, delivered this gem.
I remember it well. I gave her an old wallet and she, in turn, put the Mayhem spin on it.
I didn’t even know she was working on this little project until she presented it to me. It was happening more and more, that she’d ask for a box to tear apart, and happily go on her way. We never quite knew what she’d come up with, but allowing her the freedom to let her imagination take over, was leading to some really fun creations.
And while the cardboard credit cards filling the slots may not seem particularly inventive, it was the detail, dead center, that really got my attention.
“It’s my driver’s license,” she said, without cracking a hint of a smile.
I stared for a few seconds, confused, trying to figure out what she had done.
And then I laughed.
Because I realized she had found our Instax camera, and produced a pretty stunning selfie. Used a sharpie to add a name, and put it right where the driver’s license should go.
It was in that moment I realized that her imagination and ingenuity could really be used for good or bad. Legal or illegal, if you will. A real future in the fake ID business.
I kept that driver’s license. It’s around here somewhere. And when I find it again, it’s going somewhere safe. To be protected until I can return it to her one day, maybe when she has a wildly imaginative kid of her own.