She’s fully vaccinated. So naturally, we took her to the park, for her first long(ish) walk.
First long(ish) walk on pavement.
She’s used to playing long and hard on grass, but not pavement.
She was a total trooper. Never complained. But teaching this dog to walk/not pull, on a leash is starting off a little challenging.
And then we got home.
And as Ginger was walking around, I noticed our floors were looking like a crime scene. Blood everywhere.
Turns out, those paw pads may need a little toughening up.
And yes, I felt like a complete ass, for not realizing that the dog was bleeding, until we got home.
And also yes, I did call the vet and they advised to wash with soapy water and monitor for a few days.
She’s fine. I’m fine. We’re all fine.